What is a Law Of Attraction Tarot reading?
A Law Of Attraction Tarot reading is a specialised reading used to help you make your wishes and dreams come true. It is designed to bring you from your current state where you find yourself, and help you move to your desired state or any situation in life you wish to obtain.
How does it work? You focus your subconscious on where you need to get to or what you truly want and that formulates the question or topic of the tarot reading. We use the cards to help you find the answers you need coming from in yourself by using the symbology of the cards and their spread position. Your own subconscious connecting with this helps you to turn dreams into reality.
What is the Law Of Attraction?
Law Of Attraction is a concept that has become very popular in recent years due to the successful book “The Secret” which teaches people that Law Of Attraction is a powerful force that influences our life and that we are like magnets that can use this force to attract things we desire to us through thought. This can use the system taught in the book to gain things we want like wealth and love if we simply focus our intentions hard enough. This is not a new concept and was first popularised in the 1937 book “Think And Grow Rich” which in itself is a much more detailed version of Law Of Attraction than the modern watered down version. “The Secret” can come across often like a “get what you want easily” scheme that sometimes works and often does not, which then places failure on the person for not thinking positive enough or even giving up too early. It’s a great get out of jail card for the system when it fails. But guess what? There is a reason it does not always work!
The Secret Behind The Secret
The reason the modern Law Of Attraction doesn't always work is because it assumes you can think yourself into a situation. That can be true because as we know positive thinking is often the most important thing when it comes to completing goals and getting what we want. But what is missing is the fact that it doesn't dive very deeply into what you want, who you are, distractions, strategies and planning, your attitude and what the universe can even offer. These concepts are much more suited to the Tarot and when you combine the Tarot and Law Of Attraction you get answers and clarification very quickly. It comes in a more simple format and you are able to see what is really holding you back while at the same time working out what you need to do to get what you want.
Law Of Attraction Tarot is the best way to truly understand what you are trying to achieve in attracting things to you in a way that doesn't involve needing to subscribe to a “law” that only works sometimes. It doesn't punish you for not trying hard enough when it's not working.
When you realise your subconscious is “the secret behind the secret” and that you can open it up with the symbolism of the Tarot then you can truly get what you are after.
Law Of Attraction Tarot is a unique reading that gives you great insight into what's holding you back from where you need to be, what you truly want and advice on how to get there. Law Of Attraction is more than just wishing for things you desire. It's about opening up who you are in your true nature and working out how to get past the obstacles. This is a spread that looks simple on the surface but shows what you truly desire, who you truly are, illusions and distractions, strategies for actuating plans and decisions that need to be made, your attitude and how to relate to yourself and others and finally what the universe offers.
This reading is best set with a clear intention on what you want for your future. I use an exclusive Law Of Attraction Tarot deck suited perfectly for this current world and this type of reading. It still follows a regular 78 card, 4 suit tarot deck so you won't feel lost in the interpretation.
6 Card $20 Standard reading and interpretation
10 Card $40 Detailed reading and interpretation Includes the standard 6 card interpretation with an extra 3 card deep dive into your past to see how you got to where you are. Crowned with an Oracle Card.